In this blog post you will discover how to find the most profitable and best performing offers on Clickbank. You will also learn how to promote these Clickbank offers with no website of your own.
I will also show you how to use a secret high-quality free traffic source to get visitors and buyers for your affiliate links. I will show you step-by-step so that you are able to make consistent income using ClickBank.
If you have struggled to get ANY results or earn money online before, continue reading because you will find the help you need below.
“Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below, but these are all products I highly recommend. I won’t put anything on this page that I haven’t verified and/or personally used. I get commissions for purchases made through links on this page. Please read my complete AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE policy for more info.”
Step #1 – How to Find The Right ClickBank Offer to Promote
To be successful with ClickBank you will need historical data which shows how a product or offer has been performing in the past and how it is presently performing.
To do this… use a free software called CBSnooper. CBSnooper.com gives a lot of useful statistical data about Clickbank products. This data shows reports about the Top Products, Rising Products, Falling Products, New Products and Products that pay recurring commissions.

CBSnooper is updated daily, direct from Clickbank itself. Easily see what is new. Which products are worth promoting… and which products are not.
Product performance data is displayed in clear easy to understand graphs, giving you the knowledge to make an informed choice of whether to promote a product or not. Your time is better spent promoting products rather than finding products to promote. With CBSnooper you will see which products are going up and which are going down and which products are off most peoples radars, but are selling. CBSnooper will basically give you information to predict which product you should promote or not promote.
Best Click Bank Products To Choose For BIG Profits
In choosing a product, it is recommended to pick products that offer recurring income. This means that if a person makes a purchase of a product you promote, they will have to pay a monthly payment for continued access to the product, information or software. Recurring products will make you the most money. All you have to do is drive traffic to make the initial sale; and then get paid continuously every month for as long as the buyer remains with the product or service.
Pick a product that has a rising “gravity”. This means that the product is popular and affiliates are making money from promoting it. It is easier to promote a product that already has some traction because it will be easier to make a sale.
Step #2 – FREE Traffic Source
Once inside your Clickbank.com account, after selecting a product, go to the “affiliate page” to use any marketing material offered by the product creator, in particular a video. If a video is offered, download it to upload to another website to get traffic.
The secret traffic source to get views is an underground website called BitChut which is similar to YouTube. However it is not as saturated as YouTube. BitChut gets over 42 million views per month; that is a lot of traffic. Bit Chut is completely free to join.
Once you have created an account, go to the “upload” tab to upload the video which you downloaded. Next, get your affiliate link from ClickBank. Before posting your affiliate link in the description of the video, go to Bit.ly which is a link shortner to make the affiliate link shorter and more attractive.
This is an affiliate link from Clickbank: https://2542c3-z-ubxep0is-v5p9eao9.hop.clickbank.net
… and this is after using Bit.ly here is your affiliate link: https://bit.ly/FacebookJobsNow
Setting it Up
Once you have your affiliate link, go to the affiliate offer sales page and copy a few lines of the main information about the product. Paste the information you copied to the description section of the video you intend to upload.
Then write a headline for your video by using information from the sales page or Clickbank marketplace area.
Add a call to action encouraging viewers to click on the link in the description. Add a thumbnail for the video and hit publish.
And that’s it. Keep doing this with different offers and the money will gradually start coming in!
If you want more in-depth information about using methods such as the training above to make consistent income, click here for Advanced ClickBank Training Course.
If this post has been helpful to you in any way please like and share it with others. If you have any questions or comments please submit them in the comment section below.
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